Upkoi, Inc

We build high performance machine learning systems that power the future and change the world.

We Speak Your Language

Our engineers work primarily in python and c# but have extensive experience in over a dozen programming languages. We use whatever tools are best for the job.

Deep Learning Speciality

If software development is a pocket knife, deep learning is a chainsaw. In the right hands, deep learning is an incredibly powerful tool that can transform your business and it's our primary focus.

Full Stack Application Development

If you can coherently describe an idea to us, we can build and market the entire product without any outside resources.

Domain Driven

All projects start with building an intimate understanding of the problem domain. We believe large efficiency gains are possible through outstanding communication.

Massively Scalable Models

Many of our solutions are powered by modern serverless architecture to achieve high levels of scalability and performance.

World Class Reliability

We apply extensive experience in engineering high-reliability applications outside of the machine learning space to power models with exceptional uptime.

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Our Process

Research & Prototype

We begin most projects with building a rich and accurate understanding of the problem domain. Whenever possible, we use rapid prototyping and wireframe tools to challenge assumptions as early on as possible. For machine learning solutions we heavily employ python notebooks and exploratory data analysis.

Design & Iterate

After validating our ideas, we build our solutions using ultra-short iteration cycles. Completing and deploying small deliverables as frequently as possible.

Ship & Support

We balance a very rapid development cycle with carefully controlled release and testing practices and extensive logging and monitoring to ensure that delivered components are functioning as expected.

AI Specialties

Recommendation Engines
Sentiment Analysis

Development Specialties

Cross Platform Mobile App Development
.NET and AngularJS Web Applications
High Scalability & Reliability Design


Split & Multivariate Testing
Conversion Optimization

Get In Touch

We're interested in working on impactful projects. Want to work together or discuss a project? We would love to hear from you.

382 NE 191ST STREET #60324
MIAMI, FL, 33179-3899